This weekend I did SO much yet I feel like I got so little accomplished. I DID do a lot for a certain extravaganza, but as far as school work, I think that is the order for today.
Friday night us sexy bitches* went to Ceile's, an irish "pub" aka a club for people who don't want to go to clubs. It was very fun, and Katie got a
LITTLE bit wild. She decided we were going to have a photo shoot in the middle of the bar, and things got a little crazy. I went there in the first place because a guy I work with invited me to go (not the secret crush guy, in case anyone was wondering, though I could have a secret crush on this guy too... SO NICE)... It's nice to see people that you don't normally see outside of a certain environment OUT of that environment. A girl who works at the equipment room came too, so it was like a KNES staff reunion!
Last night, us even sexier bitches went to the Weaselhead, (kind of a dive but still fun) and then, just because we could, Vaness and I went to the Rusty Cage. Now, anyone who knows me, and/or lives by me knows the Rusty Cage. (It's right by my house, and in the weirdest place in my opinion.) I have only been there once before, a LONG time ago, and it was definitely not the kind of place that twenty-somethings go to hang out. BUT, some people were telling us that it was fun, so at 1:00 am we decided to move the party. V and I walk in, and it's a full on club almost! There were beer tub girls, shooter girls, a live band, and it was packed! I would have NEVER guessed that that was what it was like in there. All the people were around our age, and it was seriously SO fun! Besides the weird-o's saying "Now you have a good night sweetheart" as they walk out... ummm, yeah, I will, thanks, there were some fun people there, and it wasn't half bad! Weird night I'll say though... Not what I had expected!
That was my weekend... Today is homework day, maybe I'll eat a chip in dip during the superbowl at some point... Get ready for Grey's Anatomy, and then think spanish all night since I have a presentation tomorrow. Hopefully this week goes by without too many hitches because it's chock (chaulk?) -full of projects and tests.
Only 2 more weeks until Kristen and Jordan are back!!! I can't wait!
*The whole bitches thing is a thing from BSD (or bermuda shorts day, for those non u of c people)... and never in my life will I forget Jordan saying "Kristen, I wanna stay up and drink with the giiiiiirrrrllllsssssss"... Funniest thing ever. Well not EVER, because you really can't beat the grilled cheese thing. But close. Oh Jordan... How I miss your craziness.